Thursday 28th of November saw the launch of Lower Grammar’s ‘Skills and Competencies Acquisition Programme’. Stonyhurst pupils strive for academic excellence in the classroom as well as developing the virtues featured in the Jesuit Pupil Profile. Our co-curricular programme also serves to develop their character by allowing them to experience a range of activities with their peers. There are also a range of attributes which employers are looking for in our young people, and Westinghouse, near Preston, was the first company to host the year group to help us to develop these skills and competencies.
The first session saw the Lower Grammarians tour the fuel production plant, and the pupils were interested to see where the fuel, which catered for 20% of the UK’s energy, was made and in a relatively small area. The second session highlighted the work of Ford and Demming in the development of manufacturing standards, and the ‘Kaizen’ approach to strive for improvements in production. This was all achieved by individually, and then collaboratively, drawing a picture of a pig! Pupils also had the opportunity to consider the difference in energy consumption of various appliances and determine where the power could come from in the future.
A major focus of the day was to consider the various career paths of Springfields, Westinghouse employees, and for the pupils to see that there were many options beyond life at Stonyhurst, including degrees, degree apprenticeships or going straight into the world of work.
A huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Nixon and the team at Springfields, Westinghouse for providing such a breadth of experiences for the Lower Grammarians and also Mr Pickles for his continued support of the project.